The Osprey

I recently decided to tackle the dubious task of purchasing a new pack.  This is always an endeavor that ends up being as adventurous as the hikes themselves.  Walking into the store my husband declares that we’ll find a salesperson to help me pick out and fit my pack.  He doesn’t need the pressure of that responsibility.

Apparently, I missed the memo that Monday afternoon is go buy a new pack day.  Any other day that area is deserted, and the sales staff is swarming like the mosquitos at Glacier View.  Today we managed to snag a staff member as she raced around a corner.  After a quick quiz (that I’m unsure I passed) to determine what type of pack I was looking for it was decided that a 46 (whatever that means) is what I should have.  So, we motor to the wall where she snags a pack says put this one, cinch up the hip belt (make sure it covers your belly button) and see how it feels.  Well, it feels like a pack hanging off my back.  Now let’s add some weight.  It’s stuffed full of bean sacks and I’m instructed to get a feel for it around the store.  Off I go around the racks and up the stairs.  I like it, let’s get it.  My instructor promptly disappears.

Not so fast my husband says.  Now we need someone to adjust the frame to fit my torso (what?)  Didn’t you do that for me before? Yep, he says, and I learned that lesson, so we’ll find someone here to do it.  Big sigh and I head back to the pack jungle.  After wandering through the tangle awhile I decide to apply the universal lost child instruction – stand in one spot and look forlorn.  This does the trick.  I get my torso fitted complete with the new found knowledge that chest straps are more difficult to adjust for women than men (for obvious reasons).

I’m exhausted, quite a bit poorer but the proud new owner of an Osprey Kyte 46 (I’m pretty sure this means 46 liter so I can now carry 46 liters worth of stuff, but honestly I’m still not sure and I’m more unsure I want to carry that much stuff…)  I’ll be testing it out this weekend, so I’ll let you know how the new pack and my slightly old, slightly out of shape body all fare.

P.S. – Sorry if I tricked anyone into thinking this was going to be a post about a bird…

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