Meditation Musings

Not too long ago I saw a book titled 10% Happier written by Dan Harris.  Well heck, I like Dan Harris on Good Morning America and I want to be 10% happier so why not.  I had decided I needed to reduce my screen time before bed.  So, no more TV, no more Facebook and no more Nook.  I bought an actual paper book (I forgot how much I love the smell of a real book) and this is what I would read before going to sleep.

It’s been quite a long time since I read a non-fiction book, much less a “self-help” book and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  It turned out to be pretty entertaining with a decent mix of anecdotes about Dan’s life and how and why he started to meditate.  One quote really resonated with me:

“The voice comes braying in as soon as we open our eyes in the morning and then heckles us all day long with an air horn.  It’s a fever swamp of urges, desires, and judgements.  It’s fixated on the past and the future, to the detriment of the here and now.”

Holy crap! That’s me!

I decided to give it a try.  I downloaded a meditation app and I listen to soothing nature sounds while I lie in bed and try to still my mind.  I feel like my mind still races but I like to think it’s at a slightly reduced speed.

I’m far from reaching that place called “enlightenment”, and am I 10% happier?  That’s hard to say.  But I don’t feel any less happy and I guess that’s as good a start as any.