Live Your Days

Unfortunately work has invaded into real life quite a bit lately and that has resulted in no new posts recently.  I’m not sure anyone is too overly broken up about that, but just in case I’ve finely carved out some time.

I watched some of John McCain’s services over the past few days.  Barack Obama’s speech was of course one of the highlights in my humble opinion.  He mentioned a quote from Ernest Hemingway:

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today”.







Work is an important aspect in everyone’s life. It can be incredibly fulfilling or incredibly frustrating.  There are those whose work defines who they are and those who choose to be defined by their lives outside of work.  Neither is right or wrong as long as whichever category you fall into makes you happy.  As long as whatever you do each day is how you want all the other days to be.








I realized after hearing this quote that I’d been struggling to find the balance between work and life that would allow me to live by this creed.  In order to achieve harmony in my life I needed to get back to nature.  To the trails, the sun, the wind, the smells.  Nothing puts things into perspective quite like the beautiful devastation and rebirth of a volcano, the majesty of a waterfall and the quiet perfection of a still pond.

While it is unfortunately not feasible to live each day on the trail I am determined to continue with what soothes my soul to allow me to live the other days.  Hopefully this post and these pictures will help you live the best day you can.  Life will or will not be what you make it.  Make it the best.


*Remember to check out more new photos in the gallery

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