
My name is Michelle and I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest.  I’ve traveled to many places in this world, but no matter where my next adventure takes me this is the place I will always call home.

Travel, hiking, photography and writing are my favorite hobbies.  While I would love for any or all of those to be my full time job, alas that is not the case.  By day I am a licensed veterinary technician working in an oncology practice.  Every day is a challenge that can bring equal parts satisfaction and devastation.

The one thing I’ve learned in the 17 years in my chosen field is to have an outlet to decompress.  For me that is where these hobbies come in to play.  Traveling, be it to another country, another state or someplace nearby is essential to my mental and physical health.  I can actually feel the weight lifting as I get out to whatever destination I have chosen.  As soon as my boots hit the trail I feel like I can breathe and my mind is a clear as the sky.  Photography is the challenge and the reward.  Many times a picture will never do justice to the beauty that my eyes can see, but there is always that one photo that captures time and makes it all worth while.  Writing is my soul and I hope to share a piece with you in the words I twine together.

Mostly I look to gain a new appreciation for life.  Enjoy the small along with the big and be grateful for every second I breathe.  So feel free to follow along. There’s always plenty of room for one more.